Club Rules
Running of the Club
- Please direct any questions about these rules to the Club Secretary
- All members agree to the conditions of the Memorandum, Articles and Laws of the Grand National Archery Society and to abide by the rules of shooting
- All members must be a member of ArcheryGB to be a member of Deben Archery Club
- All archers will use an officially marked shooting line. (Within the side markings posts to ensure distance from Hedges)
- The Line Captain or person at that point acting as line captain [Someone always needs to act a Line Captain]) needs to position where they can see the whole range
- Line Captain should not shoot while acting in that role, so take turns as line captain during the shooting meet (i.e. have a line captain in each detail so someone is always watching while others are shooting)
- Line Captain should use Whistle or Voice Commands (if small numbers) to control the shooting
- Always retire from the line when not shooting.
- Never talk to a person who is shooting.
- Try to use the same target each time.
- Indoors an end consists of 3 arrows only, unless shooting a Worcester round.
- If the line becomes overcrowded, separate details will be formed and archers will shoot alternately.
- Never touch any persons equipment without their permission.
- Never walk in front of the shooting line unless the all clear has been given by Line Captain.
- When setting up or taking down equipment always do so behind the shooting line.
- Help should be given by all members to set up and take down equipment and targets at each practice evening.
- Smoking is not allowed at indoor venues. Care should be taken when smoking outside.
- All members must keep the hall and store cupboard clean and tidy.
- Warning signs must be displayed whilst shooting is in progress at the outdoor venue.
- All venue specific problems or suggestions must be reported to as soon as possible.
- With the exception of cars entering and leaving the venue the main gate must remain shut and locked at all times.
- The combinations to the gate and container must remain strictly confidential.
- Vehicular damage to the field, especially on entry and exit, must be kept to a minimum.
- Bosses must not be left in the same place for long periods causing damage to the field (equipment officers).
- No obstructions must be left on the field, with the exception of the bosses, that might cause damage to the lawnmower.
- Junior members must be accompanied by two adults, one of whom must be a club and GNAS Member.
- Adults Members can shoot any time (including under rule 103c - at the Archers own risk [ The Archer (Deben Member) Must Ensure the Requirements of the AGB Rules-of-Shooting [103c] are met at time of shooting]
- No unauthorised photography.
WhatsApp Rules
- The Club's WhatsApp is for Over 18’s (Senior Members of DAC or Parents of Juniors) only
- All users of the Club's WhatsApp group should set a name
- he Club's WhatsApp group is only to be
used for club business, misuse will not be tolerated.
- Don’t private message any members unless
you know then outside of DAC
- No Shooting when someone is in Marked Overshoot area
- All Targets must be pegged down front and rear before shooting and check regually during shooting
- The Line Captain needs to position themselves far enough across the shooting line so they can see the whole roped-off area inc. beyond/around the trees or obstructions.
Tunstall Specific Rules
- No Shooting when someone is in the Rear Corridor
- Entry must be marked with Signage
- Deben Members must ensure other people using the hall at the same time are aware of the rules to not use rear corridor and to knock and wait before entering the shooting hall
- All Targets must be set up in accordance with instructions and saftey bolt must be secure when shooting or stored
Levington Specific Rules
- No Shooting when someone is in the Storage area
- Ensure entrys beyond the shooting line are secured before shooting, post signage if not possible
- All Targets must be tied down to a sandbag or heavy object at the rear before shooting and checked while shooting is taking place