Deben Archery Club

Archery for All, Young or Old..

Deben Archery Club Badge

Club Constitution

The club shall be called the Deben Archery Club (DAC) and shall incorporate Junior Deben Archery Club (J:DAC).

  1. The objects of the club shall be the facilitation, promotion and encouragement of archery in all its forms, other than hunting and crossbows.
  2. The shooting regulations as prescribed in the ArcheryGB (GNAS) rules shall govern the relevant branches of archery.
  3. The business of the club will be conducted by a committee to consist of:
    • Chairman
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • And at least one General member
  4. The committee will be elected to service for one year at the annual general meeting.
  5. The committee may appoint sub-committee's and delegate powers within defined limit.
  6. Membership shall consist of:
    • Senior = over 18 years
    • Junior = until 18th birthday

7.     Subscriptions will be set annually at the AGM and are due by Monthly. If 3 monthly payments are missed Membership will be considered to be terminated. Members will be required confirm yearly that they wish to remain a member and to be joined ArcheryGB, ECAA and SCAS (Club will process application and cover fee from monthly subs).

  1. New members must apply to the club secretary, who will consider the application and assess the potential member is safe to shoot  (having completed a club beginner’s course, evidence of another course, existing ArcheryGB membership, or assessment of experience by a coach)
  2. Membership is granted by the club committee, who will check that  and there are no known reasons why person shouldn't be a member.
  3. A member may invite one guest to shoot provided the guest is a member of an affiliated archery organisation. The member will be responsible for the guests conduct.
  4. The annual general meeting shall be held Annually and not less than 28 days notice shall be sent to each member.
  5. Extraordinary general meeting. The committee or at the request of three or more members shall call an extraordinary meeting. Not less than 14 days notice together with any proposition to be moved, shall be sent to all members.
  1. Quorum. At General meetings eight (8) ordinary members and two (2) committee members form a quorum. For committee three (3) members shall form a quorum. Each Senior member shall be entitled to one vote. The Chairman, if required, shall be entitled to an additional casting vote. In case of emergency the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Records Office, or any three of these shall together have power to act.
  1. A bank account shall be maintained in the Club's name. All cheques to be signed by two officers.
  1. The Treasurer will prepare a statement of accounts showing the financial position of the Club as in advance of an AGM. This statement to be audited by a General member. A copy of the statement to be supplied to each member at the AGM.
  1. The Committee may suspend any member guilty of misconduct, such suspension to commence from the date of written notice by the Secretary and to continue until rescinded by the committee or by appeal at the next AGM. There will be no refund of subscription.
  1. The Club will endeavour to obtain the use of practice grounds and premises for field and target archery. The use of which is at all times to have regard for the safety of the public and archers in accordance with ArcheryGB rules.
  1. The addresses and times of meetings of above places to be recorded in Club minutes published on the website.
  1. The postal address of the Club shall be that of the secretary for the time being.

  2. The constitution of the Club shall not be altered or amended except at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Members wishing to move a proposition designed to alter or amend the constitution shall submit such proposition to the secretary 28 days before the general meeting at which such proposition is to be considered.


Click here for Club Rules